Morocco is home to one of the oldest jewish communities in the diaspora.
It dates back to 2000 years . It’s singular Jewish culture is the result of a fusion of varied traditions including : Berber, Herbatic, Andalusian, and Arab influences. Fez, the spiritual and cultural capital of Morocco par excelence, leaves its visitors with a unique experience.
Fez is the home of Al-Qarawiyeen university the oldest one in the world , where the famous Jewish philosopher Maimonides(Rambam) studied. It is also where the first Mellah, Jewish quartier in Morocco, was established in 1438.
This journey to Jewish Fez takes us into a history that shaped Sephardic Judaism,Visiting its synagogues, cemetery museum, and taking a walk in its street that once witnessed the presence of the Jewish families and grand rabbies, will remind us not only of how Moroccan life was/is like , but also of how was Jewish life in Spain before the expulsion of 1492, as Fez was destination of many of those Jews. Today there is still a small, but vibrant, Jewish community in Fez with a functioning synagogue, kosher restaurant and a community centre.
Sites included in the Tour :
* Jewish cemetery of Fez
* Jewish cemetry museum
* House where Charles Foucauld was disguised as a rabbi
* 17 th centery synagogue : Ben Danan
* The recently restored synagogue : El Fassiyeen
* The main street of the Mellah
* The Royal Palace
* The Maimonides Centre , wich is today the Jewish community centre
* Talmud Torah synagogue and Mimouna Club Fez office
Optional :
* Kosher meals
* Cultural events (Andalucian music,projection of films and documentaries related to Moroccan
Judaism ,etc.)
* Times available :upon request